« Abendlandung » Slow is the new fast: A Little More Lost #16
Donnerstag, 23. Sep 2010,
23:00 bis 01:00 Uhr
Slow is the new fast.

A Little More Lost
- Martina Topley Bird - Kiss Kiss Kiss
- Martina Topley Bird - Baby Blue
- Paul Simon - 50 ways to leave your lover - Brotherhood of Snakes Edit
- Martina Topley Bird - Lying
- Matthew Young - Objects in Mirror
- Joe Crow - Compulsion
- Matthew Young - Dummy line
- David Thomas Broughton - Liberazione
- Matthew Young - Werewolf Song
- Brian Eno - St. Elmo's Fire
- Dead Man's Bones - Loose Your Soul
- Parla - ??
- The Time and Space Machine - Infinity
- Dom Thomas - Gin and Tonic
- The Time and Space Machine - After The Goldrush
- Panda Bear - Slow Motion
- Yo La Tengo - Here to Fall - RJD2 Remix
- Low - Breaker
- Low - Dragon Fly
- Brian Eno - Everything merges with the night
- Si Schroeder - A little more
- Arthur Russell - A little lost
- Brian Eno - The Big Ship
- Odawas - Harmless Lovers Discourse
- Si Schroeder - Lavendermist
- Dead Man's Bones - Young And Tragic
Slow is the new fast
Ein Blick in das versteckte Land zwischen Waldhorn-hop, Deep Folk, Zeitlupendisco, Obskuritäten, Absurditäten, Krautsalat und kenianischem Choral.
C.W. Stoneking meint: “Es ist so eine Art Trip!”.
Eine musikalische Sendung von Jean-Marie Dhur.