« Begilufin » Berlin Live #1
Dienstag, 07. Sep 2010,
20:00 bis 21:00 Uhr
Begilufin trys to bring a taste from the great diversity of the rich music world. With different sounds, old and new, vibes from different eras, different lands and Israeli music scene.

- Radio Trip - Comedy Shtick
- The Apples - natri ba makom
- Marsh Dundurma - The Whoopin' Blues
- Los Caparos - CCCP
- Hoodska Explosive - Cigarette
- Karolina - The Ballad of the Black Knight and Bat Galim
- kutiman - No Groove Where I Come From
- The Ramirez Brothers - Yabi
- Boom Pam - Alkazam
- Mr. Mostash - Fragosyriane
- Balkan Beat Box - Habibi Min Zaman
- Boogie Balagan - Dalida Blooz
- UBK - al fadi
- Soulico - Seven Seas
- Honaat Haamargan - Kavol Begaava
Berlin Live
It all come together to an hour of music with some interruptions.
Begilufin trys to bring a taste from the great diversity of the rich music world, with a focus on Israeli music - moderated and compiled by Ziv. With different sounds, old and new, vibes from different eras, different lands and Israeli music scene. It all come together to an hour of music with some interruptions.
Ziv macht eine Sendung live bei Pi Radio namens "Berlin live", die den Fokus auf Musik aus Israel hat.