« Digital in Berlin » Recommended #139b
Freitag, 12. Okt 2018,
03:30 bis 05:00 Uhr
D/B Radio with a view to bringing different styles and directions in music to a wider audience, and so fostering music that has a formidable and extraordinary approach.

- Refresh! by Euros Childs
- Pick It Up by Euros Childs
- Frigid Air by FaltyDL
- Whisper Diving by FaltyDL
- Female Vampire by Jenny Hval
- Vermiform Burrows (The Sight Below RMX) by Driftmachine
- Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase by Karen Gwyer
- Ahnherr Der Schwaetzer (Portable Remix) by Von Spar
- Resonate 3 by Quarta330
- How to Save a Life (Vector of Eternity) by Mikael Seifu
- Knowledge Of Selfie by Jay Daniel
- Bird Matrix (DJ-Kicks) by Actress
- Vopmok by MEIER & ERDMANN
- Rhwng Y Bac Bee Bee by Euros Childs
- Round About Now by Euros Childs
- No More Dreams II by 1991
Digital in Berlin
Digital in Berlin presents as agency quality forms of serious music. An online guide, events promoter, organiser, curator and forger of ideas, the Digital in Berlin network is active in all spheres of Berlin sub-culture. Away from mainstream, pop-culture and the conventional society; we report on the most breathtaking city in Europe. Because the destiny of Berlin is a continuous journey with out ever arriving.
Moderated and compiled by: Dirk Markham, Michael Rosen and guests
Wiederholung vom Samstag, 13. Jan 2017, 19:30 Uhr