« Man Bites Blog » Episoden #4
Freitag, 04. Sep 2009,
02:00 bis 03:00 Uhr
Man Bites Blog deckt eine breite Palette von Musikstilen ab. Dazu gehört modernste Electronica über modernen Pop, gemischt mit Outsider-Folk und Peitschen aus schmutzigem Hip-Hop.

Episode 4
I have been rather productive of late. Ep: 04 is rolling out hot on the heels of my recent trip to Liverpool. Compiled with the help of my dear friend Shaun aka Neon Skullz, this show is another breakneck bootleg of beats and bastard-pop. Listen out for Voodoo Rave, ATL Crunk, and Baille Funk. As they say up North… It’s Boss La’!
Man Bites Blog
Man Bites Blog covers a wide range of musical styles. Except cutting edge electronica via modern pop, mixed with outsider folk and lashings of dirty hip hop.
Presented by Nico.