« The Brain » Die Mini-Dadashow #70c
Freitag, 09. Apr 2021,
06:00 bis 07:00 Uhr
Providing freaky music since 1999. For those who wonder: What is The Brain? Listen this!

- Introduction
- Yesterday Heroes - Conveyor Bett Sushi - La Louche - 2004
- Doddodo - Suzdo Inco - Wrong Music - 2005
- Stereototal - Everybody in the Discotheque - Disko B - 2006
- the Sandpipers - What Makes You Dream Pretty Girl - Columbia - 60'S
- Slagsmalsklubben - Kesta Son - Unreleased - 2005
- Thighmaster - Fatty - Wrong Music - 2005
- Dj Scotch Egg - Scotch Forrest - Wrong Music - 2005
- Hot Roddy - Skeleton Emotion - Wrong Music - 2005
- Mr Langley - Escape from Too - Wrong Music - 2005
- Groupgris - My Steen Heroes - Wwilko - 2006
- Pauline Easy - Come on Eileen - Unreleased - 2006
- Planingtorock - Bolton Wanderer - Chicks on Speed Records - 2006
- Candie Hank - the Bootybank - Sonig - 2006
- Ambrose and His Orchestra - Soft Lights and Sweet Music - Emi - 30'S
- They Came from the Stars I Saw Them - an Angel's Help - Unreleased - 2006
- Dat Politics - Amazing Dan - Ljud - 2006
- Peter Sellers - Goodness Gracious Me - Parlophone - 1960
- Danielson Family - Cutest Lil' Dragon - Secretly Canadian - 1999
- Dani - La Fille À La Moto - Ducretet Thompson - 1966
- Moneymark - Spiders - Eenie Meenie Records - 2005
- Michel Magne - Ma Chère Hélène - Universal - 1965
- Frederik Schikowski - Indicatif the Brain 1.3 - Unreleased - 2004
Über The Brain
The Brain ist eine DJ-Show gemischt aus Electro Broadcasts, Dissonanz-Pop, Rock'n'Roll, epileptischen Gesängen und vorindustriellen Robotik, Raumfahrt-Pop, vorsintflutlichen Vintage-Raritäten in Form von kinematischen Mini-Dada.
Jede Sendung bietet einen epischen, akustischen, frischen Sound mit dem kindliche Euphorie in vollem Umfang nachgekommen wird.
Let's Spock!
Wiederholung vom Donnerstag, 28. Okt 2009, 05:00 Uhr