« GaragePunk.com » Berlin Today #25

Get Drunk & Play Records #46
Host: Brad X
Brad's needle broke on his turntable, so this is an MP3 compilation featuring some early hardcore, '60s garage, and new stuff. No Milk on Tuesday, Bad Brains, Remains and others. Next episode is a Halloween special!
The Vagabond Garage Rocker #26: The Return of the Vagabond!
Host: Steve
Steve is finally back from the world of LSD to bring you the 26th episode of The Vagabond Garage Rocker!! During his 6-month hiatus he managed to successfully navigate his way around Europe for 3 weeks with his new wife. Not only did he take in the sights, but he managed to attend a few rock'n'roll shows and visit a handful of record shops along the way! So what sort of gems did he manage to acquire? Well let's just say he had to purchase another backpack overseas just to bring all that shit back! So was it worth it? Tune in and find out!
Wild Wild Sound #5: The Return of Wild Wild Sound!
Host: Jim Stark
Screamin' Jim Stark's hosed homecomin' to the GaragePunk Podcast is an ode to alcohol… drink up and pass out to the slouched sounds of wasted wildness from the likes of the A-Bones, the Church Keys, BBQ, the Untamed Youth, the Woggles, the Cramps, & more buzzed bands! Too inebriated to be ignored! Too soused to be stopped! Dig it!
RadiOblivion #21
Host: Michael Kaiser
- insert long string of superlatives, adjectives, etc. here*
Featuring all-out pounders by the likes of Jack Oblivian, Teengenerate, Wau Y Los Arrrghs!!!, Jack Starr, Thee Vicars, The Hydes, The Butchers, Thee Headcoats Sect, and a bunch more bone crunchers!!
Guaranteed Better Living Through Discarded Music.
M'k? K.
Michael Kaiser, esq.
Garagepunx - Hideout
For fans of raunchy, wild rock'n'roll, old and new… garage, psych, punk, surf, rockabilly, soul, R&B, and lo-fi, primitive trash.