« GaragePunk.com » Berlin Today #19

Sonic Nightmares #6
Hosts: Gringo Starr & Reverend Beat-Man
You may already be a winner! Just participate in the Sonic Nightmares Rock-and-Roll Quiz and you could win the Voodoo Rhythm Records CD of your choice by simply naming the “Mystery Track”! You have nothing to lose and only knowledge to gain as Reverend Beat-Man and Gringo Starr broaden your musical horizons and teach you a thing or two along the way. Featuring newer tracks by The Raws, The Masons and bands from Shake Your Ass Records out of Italy. Doo-Wop, Barber Shop, Rockabilly, and Portuguese Beat included. Get your thinking caps ready!
Central Computer Presents #8
Host: Central Computer
Central Computer dumps a final batch of harsh kickers on you before powering down for good. Surf, fuzz, screaming and dancing, dead-robot style. Launch!
Apocalypstick! #4
Host: Lucy Lux
In hell, all the girls are hot!! This Halloween you too can have a dance-off with Zombies, Werewolves, Vampires and serial killers, all here on the fourth episode of Apocalypstick. You'll hear Los Straitjackets, The Sharks, The Ghastly Ones and more! So glue on those devil horns and put those monsters to shame!
Hanging on for Mercy #24
Host: Dixiegrrl
To get to that rare Tennalaga side from the Expressions, you gotta wade through these Rainy Daze. After an initial burst of energy, HOFM #24 succumbs to the hot and humid Georgia summer with cicada-buzzy guitars and languid psych dreams. Larry and The Blue Notes, Out With Mummy, Billy Childish, Jay Stutes, Paragons, Plasticland, High Dials, and the Hope… uh-huh… why don't you just come on over and sit a spell? You ain't going nowhere as long as this rain shower lasts… mercy mercy, me.
Garagepunx - Hideout
For fans of raunchy, wild rock'n'roll, old and new… garage, psych, punk, surf, rockabilly, soul, R&B, and lo-fi, primitive trash.