« RxRF » HA5K #54
Montag, 21. Sep 2009,
03:00 bis 05:00 Uhr
4 deck madness. Experimental, electronic, noise and other music. All to no BPM. Arranged and shaped live.

- Alva Noto Station Remo (for TVpow) For Line
- Anti-Pop Consortium Congestion Arrhythmia Warp
- Charlie Draheim Untitled 3 This Man, This Skull Chondritic Sound
- Indian Jewelry Partying with Jandek Invasive Exotics Monitor
- Glass Candy Digital Versicolor Promo Italians Do It Better
- Nurse With Wound New Dress Automating, Vol. 2 United Dairies
- Richard Devine Error Trapping Aleamapper Schematic
- Polygon Window Un-named Surfing On Sine Waves Warp
- Zaimph Isolation in Ecstacy Sexual Infinity Hospital Productions
- Sonar vs Muslimgauze Here Comes the Rain Sonar vs Muslimgauze Daft
- Yximalloo Fr 15z Fangs of Lucifer Old Gold
- Amon Düül Der Garten Sandosa Im Morgentau Psychedelic Underground Metronome
- Sun Ra Yucatan (Impulse Version) Atlantis Evidence
- Lamburg Tony Katrine Veninde Promo Bootleg
- Zoviet France Thin Air Shadow, Thief Of The Sun DOVe
- Kites Exploded Face Peace Trials Load
- Pain Jerk Gang Girls At 5:39pm Japanoise Little Mafia
- The Stooges L. A. Blues Atlantis Evidence
- John Zorn Barzel (Iron Fist) Kristallnacht Eva
- This Mortal Coil Baby Ray Baby Blood 4AD
- Telepathe Blind Mouths Farewell Forest The Social Registry
- Sunburned Hand of the Man Spell It Out The Trickle-Down Theory of Lord Knows What Eclipse
- Lightning Bolt Infinity Farm Hypermagic Mountain Load
- Sightings I Feel Like a Porsche Sightings Load
- Aphex Twin Avril 14th Drukqs Warp
- Les Georges Leningrad Prince R Deux Hot Dog Moutarde Chou Alien8
- Indian Jewelry Dead Eyes Invasive Exotics Monitor
- Antonym Metshee Portable Downwards
- Pan Sonic Lapevinmeri / Laptev Sea Katodivaihe / Cathodephase Blast First Petite
- The Normal Warm Leatherette 12″ Mute
- Tickley Feather The Python Split with Serpants of Wisdom Bootleg
- Taylor Deupree 4.66920196 Tokei Audio.nl
- Yximalloo July Sky Fangs of Lucifer Old Gold
- Superpitcher Traume Here Comes Love Kompakt
- TG Speed
- TG X-Ray
- TG Splittung Sky
- Eine Sendung vom 21. Oktober 2007 auf East Village Radio.
RxRF with HA5K
4 deck madness. Experimental, electronic, noise and other music. All to no BPM. All eras. Shaped and layered live. 2 hour freeform mashups. With special guests…
Broadcasted and recorded live every Tuesday 12AM-2AM EST on East Village Radio in New York City, USA.
Live video madness by VJ morimarimo.
- Archives: http://www.rxrf.org, http://www.archive.org/details/rxrf_
- Videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/vjmorimarimo, http://www.youtube.com/user/rxrf
- Main: http://www.eastvillageradio.com/, http://www.eastvillageradio.com/modules.php?name=evrabout
- Demos: RxRF/Andrew Chee – EVR Office – 19 1st Avenue - New York, NY 10003 – info@rxrf.org
Dank an East Village Radio (EVR) und HA5K/Andrew Chee für die Genehmigung zum Senden.