« RxRF » HA5K #53b
Montag, 14. Sep 2009,
03:00 bis 05:00 Uhr
4 deck madness. Experimental, electronic, noise and other music. All to no BPM. Arranged and shaped live.

- Coil Teenage Lightning 1 Love’s Secret Domain Wax Trax
- Acid Mothers Temple Dark Stars In The Dazzling Sky Have You Seen The Other Side Of The Sky? Ace Fu
- Mazing Vids Ride the Rings Ride the Rings Stricken
- Vladislav Delay Ele Live PA Mutek 03 Bootleg
- Pain Teens Amidst the Rubble Pain Teens Anomie
- James Ruskin Return 12″ Blueprint
- Excepter Bridge Traffic Sunbomber 5 Rue Christine
- Double Leopards Proto Clovis CDR Double Leopards
- Scorn Lock Imaginaria Award Hymen
- James Ruskin Beginnings Further Design Blueprint
- Numinous Eye Live at 2000V, Koenji, Tokyo With a Little Help Bootleg
- Red Transistor Not Bite New York Noise Soul Jazz
- Sightings I Feel Like a Porsche Sightings Load
- Hair Police Forged By Wreck Obedience Cuts Freedom From
- Indian Jewelry Poverty Ape Invasive Exotics Monitor
- Silver Apples Dust Silver Apples Whirlybird
- Theoretical Girls Computer Dating Theoretical Girls Acute
- Harry Pussy Showroom Dummies Harry Pussy Slitbreeze
- Thomas Brinkmann 0100 Klick Max Ernst
- Scorn Host of Scorpions White Irises Blind Earache
- Monolake Ice Gravity Imbalance Computer Music
- Excepter Ice Cream Van Alternation 5 Rue Christine
- Oscar Mulero CV is Dead 12″ Warm Up
- Dual Snuff Duel Quodlibet
- Throbbing Gristle Walkabout 20 Jazz Funk Greats Industrial
- Thomas Brinkmann 0110 Klick Max Ernst
- A Pink Cloud Mbibi Promo A Pink Cloud
- Jürgen Paape Belleville 7″ Gadgets
- Mattin On Songbook Vol. 4 AZD
- Einstürzende Neubauten Yü-Gung (Fütter Mein Ego) Halber Mensch Some Bizarre
- Coil Further Back and Faster Love’s Secret Domain Wax Trax
- Eine Sendung vom 14. Oktober 2007 auf East Village Radio.
RxRF with HA5K
4 deck madness. Experimental, electronic, noise and other music. All to no BPM. All eras. Shaped and layered live. 2 hour freeform mashups. With special guests…
Broadcasted and recorded live every Tuesday 12AM-2AM EST on East Village Radio in New York City, USA.
Live video madness by VJ morimarimo.
- Archives: http://www.rxrf.org, http://www.archive.org/details/rxrf_
- Videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/vjmorimarimo, http://www.youtube.com/user/rxrf
- Main: http://www.eastvillageradio.com/, http://www.eastvillageradio.com/modules.php?name=evrabout
- Demos: RxRF/Andrew Chee – EVR Office – 19 1st Avenue - New York, NY 10003 – info@rxrf.org
Dank an East Village Radio (EVR) und HA5K/Andrew Chee für die Genehmigung zum Senden.
Wiederholung vom Donnerstag, 06. Aug 2008, 03:00 Uhr