« GaragePunk.com » Berlin Today #43

GaragePunk Surfcast #13
Host: Dan Electreau
Although Dan Electreau is freezing his tentacles off up on the Canadian prairies, it’s an endless summer surf party on the GaragePunk Surfcast. Twenty-three tracks of reverb-splashed, tom-pounding surf music sandwiched between sound clips from the greatest surf movie of all-time, Endless Summer.
Killed By Apocalypstick!
Host: Duke Eastwood
Duke Eastwood deals with a pain in the ass called Lucy Lux of the Apocalypstick! show and they team up to make a podcast together. It’s one big cluster fuck, so tune in for all the fun!
Rock´n'Roll Suicide #62
Host: R. Fink
Here lies the latest episode of Rock’n'Roll Suicide, featuring the wild and wonderful (and heavily reverbed) antics of one “R. Fink.” Old R (as I like to call him) neglected to submit an introduction to this podcast which leaves me to sit here and try to come up with something to write and, well, since I haven’t even heard this episode yet, there’s not really a whole lot I can say about it. I can tell you that I have never once been let down or even felt quivocally uneasy about any of his previous efforts, so I’ll go ahead and give you my word that this is sure to be another rock ‘em, sock ‘em good time, probably featuring some killer selections by a bunch of new bands mixed in with some favorites from yesterday (and the day before that, and so on). So enjoy it, will you?
Thanks, kopper