« RxRF » HA5K #58b
Montag, 12. Okt 2009,
03:00 bis 05:00 Uhr
4 deck madness. Experimental, electronic, noise and other music. All to no BPM. Arranged and shaped live.

- Fluxion Oblique Vibrant Forms Chain Reaction
- Black Dice Skeleton Creature Comforts DFA
- Kraftwerk Mitternacht 12″ EMI
- Aphex Twin Saint Etienne - Your Head My Voice 26 Mixes For Cash Warp
- Coil The Sleeper II How to Destroy Angels Threshold House
- Excepter Back Me Up (Show) Alternation 5 Rue Christine
- Ikue Mori Hive Hex Kitchen Tzadik
- Otomo Yoshihide Cash Dispenser We Insist? Sound Factory Records
- Brian Eno 1/2 Ambient 1: Music For Airports EG Records
- Polygon Window Quoth Surfing On Sine Waves Warp
- Keith Fullerton Whitman Stereo Music For Serge Modular Prototype (Part One) Multiples Kranky
- Front 242 Masterhit, Pts. 1 & 2 Official Version Epic
- Meat Beat Manifesto Want Ads Two At the Center Thirsty Ear
- Aphex Twin Grass Selected Ambient Works, Vol 2 Warp
- Wolf Eyes Ancient Delay Burned Mind Sub Pop
- Yximalloo The Nude In The Kocacco River No. 3 Fangs of Lucifer Old Gold
- Mr. Fingers Can U Feel It Warp 10+1: Influences Warp
- Excepter Jrone (Three) Throne Load
- AFX Backdoor. Ranky. S Analord 11 Rephlex
- Keith Fullerton Whitman Track3a(2waynice) Playthroughs Kranky
- Thomas Brinkmann 0101 Klick Max Ernst
- Thomas Brinkmann 0110 Klick Max Ernst
- DAF Die Kleinen Und Die Bösen Die Kleinen Und Die Bösen Mute
- DAF Gib’s Mir Die Kleinen Und Die Bösen Mute
- Yximalloo Not So Easy No. 8 Fangs of Lucifer Old Gold
- Otomo Yoshihide Track 11 We Insist? Sound Factory Records
- Aphex Twin Lichen Selected Ambient Works, Vol 2 Warp
- Cabaret Voltaire Kneel to the Boss The Voice of America Mute
- Eine Sendung vom 18. November 2007 auf East Village Radio.
RxRF with HA5K
4 deck madness. Experimental, electronic, noise and other music. All to no BPM. All eras. Shaped and layered live. 2 hour freeform mashups. With special guests…
Broadcasted and recorded live every Tuesday 12AM-2AM EST on East Village Radio in New York City, USA.
Live video madness by VJ morimarimo.
- Archives: http://www.rxrf.org, http://www.archive.org/details/rxrf_
- Videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/vjmorimarimo, http://www.youtube.com/user/rxrf
- Main: http://www.eastvillageradio.com/, http://www.eastvillageradio.com/modules.php?name=evrabout
- Demos: RxRF/Andrew Chee – EVR Office – 19 1st Avenue - New York, NY 10003 – info@rxrf.org
Dank an East Village Radio (EVR) und HA5K/Andrew Chee für die Genehmigung zum Senden.
Wiederholung vom Samstag, 08. Aug 2008, 03:00 Uhr