« Man Bites Blog » Episoden #7
Freitag, 02. Okt 2009,
01:00 bis 03:00 Uhr
Man Bites Blog deckt eine breite Palette von Musikstilen ab. Dazu gehört modernste Electronica über modernen Pop, gemischt mit Outsider-Folk und Peitschen aus schmutzigem Hip-Hop.

Episode 7
A fresh slice of musical misbehaviour from Nico, Mathieu and Neon Skullz. MBBP:07 sees all matter of crunked out bassline, post-punk, Emotronic R&B all in bastard harmony. Its a real hodgepodge of audio tomfoolery. In the fold this week: Extra Life, Gang Gang Dance, Kanye, Ikonika, Salem, Ruby Suns…
Man Bites Blog
Man Bites Blog covers a wide range of musical styles. Except cutting edge electronica via modern pop, mixed with outsider folk and lashings of dirty hip hop.
Presented by Nico.