
« Man Bites Blog » Episoden #6

Freitag, 25. Sep 2009, 01:00 bis 03:00 Uhr
2009-09-25 01:00:00 2009-09-25 03:00:00 (Nachtschicht)
Man Bites Blog deckt eine breite Palette von Musikstilen ab. Dazu gehört modernste Electronica über modernen Pop, gemischt mit Outsider-Folk und Peitschen aus schmutzigem Hip-Hop.
Man Bites Blog
Bild: Man Bites Blog

Episode 6: Listen here!!

I know its been too long! Alas, here's the next installment, and its fresh. Jam packed full of the tunage, bit of a dub flavour I guess. Lots of bass heavy shit and a few oldies for good measure. Let me know what you think of my selection. It's undergone a wee facelift, and is coming to you in a lush mp4 package. That means if you use iTunes you get chapters and pictures as the music plays. Viel spass…

Man Bites Blog

Man Bites Blog covers a wide range of musical styles. Except cutting edge electronica via modern pop, mixed with outsider folk and lashings of dirty hip hop.

Presented by Nico.