« Berliner Runde - Klubradio » Towards a Collective Memory
Summer 2009: Tehran, Iran. The 10th Presidential Elections. Beyond the scope of media coverage - images of huge demonstratons, police brutality and mock trials of intellectuals and dissidents - as well as a possible policy analysis of the events surrounding the elections in Iran, there exists a more subjective narrative. It is a story of people who have fallen in love. A story that has become a collective memory. Within this story all of our memories co-exist, blend together and work towards a sense of solidarity.
Taking place at home, on the streets and over virtual networks, what Hamid Dabashi has called Iran's "burgeoning civil rights movement" employs strategies of productive silence, critical awareness, compassion and warmth between the people. Together, our efforts are directed at unleashing the potential of the people - "you and me and everyone we know" - in order to keep our hope strong.
this one is in farsi but it is a very good video archive: http://greenrevolutioniran.blogspot.com/