« GaragePunk.com » Berlin Today #74

Down & Out Down Under #1
Host: The Barman
The GaragePunk Podcast Network’s newest podcast host, the Barman (from the I-94 Bar), brings some all-Australian Real Rock Action to ya in an hour-long six-stringed salutation to his country’s underground music output. From the acid-punk snarl of the Wet Taxis to the driving blues rock of Buffalo and Lobby Loyde’s Coloured Balls, from the Detroit-via-Sydney attack of Radio Birdman to the mind-melting garage skronk of the Ooga Boogas, this is a fair idea of what to expect when your musical kangaroos get loose in the top paddock. More at www.i94bar.com and please note that although this shit is not played on mainstream radio, it’s equally suitable for blokes or sheilas.
Mushi Mushi #2
Host: Miss Snow
Inspired by the fun other podcasters have when they work together, I decided to team up with local hipster, Eric. Coming to you from Eric’s apartment in Tokyo, we will play you the likes of Yuiichi and the Hilltone Boys, The Registrators, Klaus Nomi, You Got a Radio! and other wonderous wonders that will blow you away. Enjoy!
今回のmushi mushi はエリックと一緒にお届けします。前回以上に楽しめること間違いなし!!
RadiOblivion #36
Host: Michael Kaiser
Baby! Not only does RadiOblivion provide you Better Living Through Discarded Music, but it has proven Einstein’s theory of relativity… all on eppy-sode 36!
Time travel is real, friends. Michael Kaiser interviews Baron Aaron Lost of Los Hories: the band from the future! Auckland, New Zealand to be more specific. Listen as two cats travel in time to speak to each other and get to know all about your new favorite band. Experience past and future colliding in one giant hour-and-eight-minute SONIC BOOM!
Hey, as an extra bonus we’re holding a giveaway contest for Los Hories’ CD, What’s the Time. All you need to do is write a Haiku about RadiOblivion and post it in the comment section for eppy-sode 36 on the GaragePunk blog (below, duh). Get them creative juices oozing, kids; you want this alboom!
Woo-hoo! I successfully thought of the dumbest contest possible.