« GaragePunk.com » Berlin Today #75

Killed By Porn #54
Host: Duke Eastwood
Duke tries something he’s wanted to do for a long time here: he puts his iPod on shuffle and lets it play like that throughout the whole podcast! That’s right, Duke has no control this time; it’s all up to whatever weird-ass mechanism that makes the iPod’s shuffle function work. Be that as it may, it still is Duke’s iPod, so you know the force of Killed By Porn is Strong in it.
RadiOblivion #37
Host: Michael Kaiser
Another thrilling eppy-sode of RadiOblivion!! ‘Nuff said. Really, what more needs to be said? This is Better Living Through Discarded Music, baby. With such killers as Sal Masi’s Untouchables, Thee Mighty Caesars, the Hydes, the Pink Fits, Bo Dollis and the Wild Magnolia Mardi Gras Indian Band, Whispering Pig, the Dirtys, El Capris, etc. — it’s a given that none of this requires mention! Though we probably should mention that the winner of Los Hories “What’s The Time?” CD giveaway Haiku contest is announced. You don’t want to miss that.
Rock_n'Roll Suicide #67
Host: R. Fink
Tune in for another hour of Rock’n'Roll Suicide as we let loose with some more new waxings by the likes of Nice Face, the Gut Reactions, the Radio Faces, Teen Anger, the Dead Clodettes, the Dee Rangers, the Plastic Stars, the Hussy and dust off a couple of oldies but goodies. Grab this one and turn it up!