« GaragePunk.com » Berlin Today #80

Get Drunk & Play Records #75
Host: Brad X
WHOOP! Got some crazy vinyl to play for you this episode, all singles! John Berenzy Group, Black Lips, Oblivians, Brimstone Howl. All that and So Much MORE!!! GET DRUNK!!!
Rock_n'Roll Suicide #69
Host: R. Fink
This one was a motherfucker… Suicide #69. Born Liars, A/V Murder, Outdoorsmen, Top Ten, Skipper, La Cara Oculta, Nazi Death Camp, Hunx and more. Rock it.
Way Past Cool #3
Host: ixnayray
Well, howdy and welcome to the third installment of Way Past Cool! Ixnayray has done his best to compile another fine selection of crap, trash and noise to see you through the day. So I suggest you plug in that iPod or computer and get ready to have your eardrums shattered once again! In this episode… Groove to the rhythms of Beast With a Gun, bop to the beat of the Mummies, swing to the sound of the Parents and shake that booty to the Chinese Millionaires! So are you ready? Can you handle it? There’s only one way to find out…