« GaragePunk.com » Berlin Today #84

Get Drunk & Play Records #62
Host: Brad X
Hey! It’s rapidly coming to the end of summer and it’ll be starting to get colder soon, so get outside and grill some shit, have a party with friends before the fall sets in! I’m drinking Hamms and cranking classics by the Persuaders, K-9s, Andre Williams, and much, MUCH MORE!!!! GET DRUNK!
Sonic Nightmares #27
Hosts: Gringo Starr, Reverend Beat-Man, Brother Panti-Christ & El Tiki
This offering of Sonic Nightmares begins with pounding garage followed by some spicy Cajun which then morphs into raucous rhythm and blues with a pinch of punk ending up with scratchy Turkish freakbeat and a very rare Blind Willy Johnson track, all brought to you by four naked men on a hot summer afternoon. Parental discretion is advised.
The House of Wild Delights #3
Host: The Screamin’ Soul Preacher
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, for this third deadly episode of The House of Wild Delights, with your host, The screamin’ Soul Preacher, who’s having a death trip with a special lady guest tonight and spinning killer records such as Haunted George, The Graveyard Five, Tarantula Goul and one of the greatest songs ever: “Dead” by The Poets! So get ready, you rockin’ ghouls and groovy zombies, to get out of your coffins and shake your bones wild! Dead cool!!!