« GaragePunk.com » Berlin Today #66

Killed By Porn #43
You Weren’t There
Host: Duke Eastwood
Recently Duke Eastwood was a DJ at an L.A. screening of the film “You Weren’t There,” a documentary about Chicago punk spanning 1977 through 1984. After digging up all relevant records and putting the set together, then listening to its power, he decided the set was too amazing to just be heard that one night in a loud, crowded theater; so here it is! Hear tracks from Windy City giants such as the Effigies, Strike Under, Naked Raygun, the Mentally Ill, Articles of Fairth, Big Black, and many, many more. After you realize you wish you had been there, go over to www.regressivefilms.com and check out the film for yourself!
Mystery Action #46
Host: Charles Gaskins
Charles got to see the Mummies and you didn’t! He also had his friend come over and make a podcast with him. All kinds of 45s were slung around that night, along with all kinds of beer and bacon. 100% Morrissey free!
South Bay P.O.R.K. Podcast #12
Host: Matt
After a long weekend at erect_sean’s cabin with Scotchy, Matt compiled sound clips from some of the most action-packed moments. Trivial Pursuit, Cobbler, and the Rim Forrest… music, too. Break your iPod because this episode stinks.