« GaragePunk.com » Berlin Today #65

Garagepunk Surfcast #11
Host: Mark Young
Somewhere between the relentless Florida heat and the blowy annoyance of Tropical Storm Fay comes Surfcast #11, brought to you by the ever-moist mainstreemark. Today’s Surfcast brings along, among others, Laika & The Cosmonauts, the Balboas, The Langhorns, Guitar Wolf, The Trashwomen and, yes, Dick Dale makes an appearance again. Surf’s up!
Rock 'n' Roll Suicide #55
Host: R. Fink
What we have here is another case of Rock’n’Roll Suicide. Join R. Fink as he lets go with new wax from the likes of the Sinks, the Snazzy Boys, the Rantouls, Fontana, the Dead Ghosts and the Intellectuals along with a few old ducks. Dig it.
Sonic Nightmares #14
Hosts: Gringo Starr & Reverend Beat-Man
It’s quiz time once again, GaragePunkers! Name the Mystery Track and win the Voodoo Rhythm record of your choice! Leave your answers in the comment section below and while you’re racking your collective brains enjoy a full hour of musical entertainment featuring tracks by Man Made Monster, The Swinging Neckbreakers, Mr. Quintron, as well as the usual shenanigans and the occasional ’80s German new-wave track just to keep things tidy! Good luck!