« GaragePunk.com » Berlin Today #64

Mystery Action #33
Host: Charles Gaskins
It’s time for Charles and the Party Gang! In this episode I play you a bunch of essential tunes you’ll need to get a good summer party going on. Hear the likes of The Olympics, Mickey Lee Lane, The Premiers, The Trashwomen, and Davie Allan & The Arrows! Autumn is almost here so make the best of the last couple weeks we have!
RadiOblivion #25
Host: Michael Kaiser
Listen up, baby! This is the 25th eppy-sode of RadiOblivion with Michael Kaiser… Providing Better Living Through Discarded Music.
Strap on yo safety helmet ’cause “Baby Gotta Party” and “Rustle Up Some Action” whilst doing the “Momia Twist”! “Electraglide” yer way to the “Optical Sound” of RadiOblivion and exorcise that “Little Demon” with some good, old-fashioned “Muck Muck”!
Over 1 hour and 20 minutes of far-out, wild and primitive sounds by sech folk as The Mussies, Thee Crucials, Stud Cole, Downliners Sect, Nigel Lewis, King Automatic, The Guilty Hearts, Kim Fowley, The Bugs, The Crushers, and a bunch more BONE CRUNCHERS!!
Always a great value at $0.00… So pass ‘em out to your friends.
On the GaragePunk Podcast Network: Kicks just got easier to find!
The Desperate Hour #21
It’s All About Me
Host: Alex Piandes
The 21st episode of The Desperate Hour is all about me. Not you, me. All songs with “I,” “me,” or “my” in the titles, or tunes otherwise told in the first person. Featuring tuneage by the Unrelated Segments, the Hentchmen, the Urgencies, Busy Signals, and more.