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Harmon e. Phraisyar: Mono (2006)
Space is filled with a myriad monos. Listeners are instructed to tamper with the cabling on their precious stereo systems to best enjoy this episode of the Harmon e. Phraisyar show, in which visiting lecturer Dr. Max Doubt delivers a passionate address on the superiority of monaural(or “moan-oh”) sound. Accompanying Dr. Doubt’s speech and coming to you in glorious pan-chromatic mono are some bedazzling audio manipulations.
Radio Gallery number 3: Radio Dinner (2006) (excerpt)
“I don’t play music, I present my listening practice” Darius Miksys In Radio Dinner that functions as a DIY variety-show of parallel worlds, Rai listens to people talking, singing and reading in multiple times and places. One of them, a renowned psychotherapist Eugenijus Laurinaitis, is asked to hypnotise the host of the program wanting to become a radio-receiver for one hour with an intention to record the whole program for Resonance FM under hypnosis. A number of other guests, including Vilnius’ artists Juozas Laivys, Vale Kale and Darius Miksys come to a dinner to talk about their practices of listening and to make a contact with an obscure radio conversation from 2003 dedicated to a screw, yet they end up meeting Anne, Ieva and Vesta, their own female avatars on air.