« Kleines Magazin » Netaudio 09/09
Back at last! I hope you've missed us a little bit. It really tookover three months before I got internet connection in my new home, can you believe it? Anyways, of course we probably missed a lot of netaudio gems in the meantime. I just made a quick tour through the last months releases, so don't blame me please if I have overlooked something profound for this show. Also I now have an extra room for my desk, but it is a really small one and has still naked walls - that must be the reason why my moderations are sounding so sh*tty, like I'm sitting in a bathtub or what. I will try to make this better for the next month (yay! we're going in monthly periods back again). So all inall: a quick and quirky recorded thingie here, but I hope you like it, because on the other side we have really great stuff, songs I've played for a wedding, wall-of-sounds (or: douching guitars) and
especially the second half of the show goes directly through the ceiling in my opinion. Let me know, what you think.
- Coax - Artemis Dream 1 [soft phase 04]
- Mobystow - Tariel [edogm 023]
- Nuuro - Cotacachi! [The Poni Republic]
- Manual - Marbella (Live at the Troubadour) [Lost Children 071]
- Nic Bommarito - Hymn for 200 Sugar Packets [12rec 058]
- Gone [x3] - Dub as The Wind [Dusted Wax Kingdom 037]
- Orquestra Popular De Paio Pires - Cinnamon Walls [Clinical Archives 262]
- Transient - Water medecine [Apegenine / Camomille]
- Ventolyn And Becotyde - Field [Pavillon36]
- Breakfast - Morning Folks [Natural Media 11 / Bump Foot 108]
- Son of Akira - Panhandler Interlude [IDM Forums 003]
- Red Box Recorder - Unabomber [acroplane 056]
- Bitbasic - I love flin [rec72]
- Lefrenk - Telxíope [Rawmatroid Club 007]
- Qk - Valencia (booiamrudolf Remix) [monofónicos 004]
- Tim Susa - the spiral [broque 052]
- Psychosonic - Brainwaves [Zimmer 045]
- Chaircrusher - Sergeant Ridiculous (Chris O’Grady Remix) [Cornwarning]
- DJ Newton - 2005 [Maltine Records 039]
- George Blunt - Mommy [Tonstube 005]
- Synaecide - Dissolve (featuring Dima Shafro) [IDM Forums 005]
- Noise Beat Propaganda - Can't Let You Go [The Poni Republic]