« Glorious Mono » #3
Expect to have your ears to get well and truly froliced as the pair subject your ears to an joyous mix of exciting beats and grooves.
There will also be exclusive live sessions and interviews with special guest invited to help keep you up to date with all that's hip and happening in the world of music. It's gonna be dooooooope!!"
"Yaneq & Jammin Unit rockin on their Mics and MPC plus circuit bending their cheap china toys. Yaneq is as a rapper more on the electronic and punky sides of HipHop culture, hosts the Party Arty series and Radio Arty on Motor FM and starred in the movie "Status Yo!". Jammin Unit has been releasing dubby electronic records since almost two decades and earned some fame with his project Air Liquid. Together they are one half of the superduperband called Mutfak Drt. And yes, they are dirty."