
« Radio Spezial » for you in heaven

Freitag, 30. Okt 2009, 16:00 bis 17:00 Uhr
2009-10-30 16:00:00 2009-10-30 17:00:00 (Radio Spezial)
Musical soundscape like an illustration of the postcolonial melancholia…

Title: There is no need to look at the sky - because there is no place for you in heaven

An African friend is walking in the streets of Brussels, smiling and looking at the once beautiful sky, when someone stops him to say : “There is no need to look at the sky, because there is no place for you in heaven”
English version of the Rummenigger show : « Ce n’est pas la peine de regarder le ciel, tu n’as pas de place au paradis ». Version française sur notre site. French version on our website :
Raphaël Confiant: Trilogie Tropicale
La situation postcoloniale - Les postcolonial studies dans le débat français, par (entres autres) Christine Chivallon, Denise Coussy, Nurrudin Farah, Nacira Guénif-Souilamas, Françoise Lorcerie, Benjamin Stora, Alexis Tadié Darius James : negrophobia
In the french version, only few words left in the english : Stuart Hall, various extracts… Language: English, French, German
produced by group rummenigger, Paris for