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Apocalypstick! #14
Host: Lucy Lux
Lucy invades London! This episode you’ll get the best of the Brits and the tits, so sit back, have a cup-a-tea or a pint-o-ale and enjoy! Be there for all the action as Lucy sends sin and corruption into the British airwaves. Dig it.
RadiOblivion #42
Host: Michael Kaiser
The further adventures of RadiOblivion—Providing Better Living Through Discarded Music—to those who miss Wild Sounds and Rock ‘n’ Roll on the radio. All whilst utilizing a medium superior to radio! So it’s kind of a catch-22, actually.
This episode features all killers by such rising stars as: Thee Mysterious Tapeman, the Memphis Morticians, Johnny Lion, Les Arondes, Downliners Sect, Melvin Smith, the Saucers, Satan’s Pilgrims, Troy, and many more pounders!
The Mal Thursday Show #19
Songs the Lyres Taught Us, Vol. 3
Host: Mal Thursday
The third time’s the charm as Mal Thursday brings you another mother lode of old 45s later given new life by Jeff “Monoman” Conolly and his long-running garage band, Lyres. See The Mal Thursday Show #4 for volume one and #18 for volume two. Presented in Living Monophonic Sound.