« Tribute to Peel » Topgear

Heute, der erste Teil einer rekonstruierter John Peel Sendung vom 29. Juni 1969 von einerm 7 Inch Tape. Die Tracks sind teilweise nicht die Orginale der in der Sendung gespielten.
In dieser Sendung gibt es folgende Sessions
- Pentangle
- Led Zeppelin
- The Idle Race
- Savoy Brown Blues Band
- The Rolling Stones - Honky Tonk Women
- Led Zeppelin - What Is And What Should Never Be (session)
- The Appletree Theatre - Sorry State of Staying Awake
- Pentangle - Bruton Town (session)
- Free - I'll Be Creeping
- The Idle Race - Someone Knocking (session)
- Savoy Brown Blues Band - Train To Nowhere (session)
- [News edit]
- Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love (session)
- Billy Preston - That's The Way God Planned It
- Pentangle - I Got a Feeling (session)
- The Misunderstood - Never Had a Girl
- The Idle Race - Please, No More Sad Songs (session)
- Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band - Neon Meate Dream of A Octofish
- Savoy Brown Blues Band - She's Got a Ring In Her Nose And A Ring On Her Hand (session)
- Chicago Transit Authority - South California Purples
- Pentangle - Hunting Song (session)
- Led Zeppelin - Travelling Riverside Blues '69 (session)
- Andromeda - Go Your Way
- The Idle Race - Sea of Dreams (session)
- Savoy Brown Blues Band - Life's One Act Play (session)
- Fairport Convention - Genesis Hall
- BB King - Sweet Thing
- The Idle Race - Reminds Me Of You (session)
- Martha Velez - I'm Gonna Leave You
- Led Zeppelin - Communication Breakdown (session)
- The Plastic Ono Band - Give Peace a Chance
Fresh from the previous day's Bath Festival, Peelie introduces us to more fab 'n groovy Top Gear sounds. This one features sessions from Led Zeppelin, Pentangle, early Jeff Lynne band The Idle Race and the Savoy Brown Blues Band. The Pentangle session seems to be a repeat of the one in the previous post, but this time "I Got a Feeling", an extra song you won't have heard last time, is included.
Also features West Bromwich blues, strange things happening in Lewisham, an early 'wrong speed moment' and the Appletree Theatre using the term WWW 22 years before Tim Berners-Lee. Oh, and some nascent Peel/Walters banter, where JP has a go at his new producer for mixing up the Idle Race running order.
This one starts out veeeery sloooow, hence it's a bit longer than normal. Judging by the length of Honky Tonk Women, I'd say it's about 5% too slow at the start, but it settles down after about 15 minutes.