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Mushi Mushi #4
Host: Miss Snow
Finally, here’s episode number four of Mushi Mushi! In this episode I invited two of my favorite boys to select some of their favorite tracks. Takatomo will play some group sounds and feature some Japanese “real bad girls” and Kazz will get downright bad. Dig it!
Shout Bamalama! #3
Host: Count Brockula
In this better-late-than-never episode (thanks, Blip), we’re gonna do a little gee-tar rumblin’ with some reverb-drenched rave-ups from a loony bin full of instro-maniacs like The Finks, The Blazers and Satan’s Pilgrims! If yer lookin’ for red hot rock n roll – take it easy, greasy, we got ya covered with some wild sounds by the A-Bones and the Million Sellers. Next we’re runnin’ for the Texas border for a set of Lone Star Lunacy with The Bad Seeds, Zakary Thaks, Floyd Dakil and MORE!!!! SO TUNE IN, LIQUOR UP AND GET REAL, REAL GONE!!!
Soul Charge #1
NEW SHOW! (Well, sorta)
Host: Rob Baker
Attn: Soul fans… Hot Slop is no mo’. Rob decided to bury it and start anew, so here we have the very first episode of Soul Charge! Vintage soul tracks from Rob’s collection. Whup-ass R&B movers from the ’60s. Nuff said.
PLEASE NOTE: This will be the final episode of Hot Slop/Soul Charge that is posted on the GaragePunk.com blog. As of January 2010, you will only be able to find Rob’s podcast posted on his blog at the GaragePunk Hideout. If you would like to continue receiving his podcast, be sure to subscribe to his show’s feed using the link below, and/or befriend him on the Hideout. Thanks!