

« Berliner Runde - Klubradio » Diskussion Von HKW

Montag, 22. Feb 2010, 18:00 bis 20:00 Uhr
2010-02-22 18:00:00 2010-02-22 20:00:00 (Magazin)
Aktuelles Magazin. Was ist in Berlin los? Und was passiert sonst noch so? Open Design mit Andrea Goetzke, Ronen Kadushin, Michelle Thorne & Jay Cousins.

Open Design

Open design uses the principles of open source software (and other open projects) in design, making the source code available to use, copy, share and edit/adapt/improve. It is about sharing design files (or how-to's), the source codes to designed products, on the Internet. It is also about a creative process that begins before and does not end with designing an object, and that involves many people, skills and ideas. It is related to an emerging culture of making, of tinkering with and improving objects to suit ones needs. It is also related to production tools like laser cutters and 3D printers becoming increasingly accessible to small producers and individuals.
In this radio show we discuss what open design is all about. We look into different examples and into what's happening related to open design in Berlin. In the studio will be: Andrea Goetzke, Ronen Kadushin, Michelle Thorne, Jay Cousins.

Wer Lust hat, in dieser Runde auf Veranstaltungen oder sonst was hinzuweisen, der kann sich über das Kontaktformular an uns wenden. Oder direkt im Studio anrufen: Studiotelefon 030-39787105
